Monday, 29. January 2007

~~My school ~~

Since September 2005 I’m going to the business school Pernerstorfergasse 77 in the 10th district.

Click here if you want to get to the homepage from my school:

In my school there are 4 branches:
1. Digital Business (Information Technology for Business Proposes)
2. Information Management and Information Technology
3. Quality Management, Management Apprenticeship and Personal Development and Social Skills (modern Management)
4. International Economy (Languages)

I’m in the IT one (Information Management and Information Technology). In that branch we need laptops. So we have since November this year to take every day one to school. I like it to work with it, but we are not allowed to use it in every lesson.

Something about my schooldays:
School starts at 8 o’clock. Before the teacher starts with the lesson they check if someone is absent. Our lessons are 50 minutes long and after that we have 5 to 15 minutes breaks. In that many people goes to the canteen to buy something to eat or to eat the packed lunch that they had take from home. It depends on the time table when school ends. This term I had thirty hours a week and in the next I would have two more. It’s very hard to sit so long at school.

We don’t have dress codes at school and we are allowed to wear whatever we want. But we should adhere to one thing and that’s to wear slipper when we are inside the school building. However, only a few pupils do that because we don’t want to take our shoes off every morning and we don’t want to put them on when we want to leave the school.

If you want to know more just ask me or go to the homepage of my school.

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~~My school ~~
Since September 2005 I’m going to the business school...
2ckacandic - 29. Jan, 21:34
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2ckacandic - 29. Jan, 20:02





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